Dec. 7th is my 2nd Anniversary on Etsy. Please come and enjoy 20% off Dec. 4th - Dec. 7th.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Looking for 1700 th Sale
In my esty shop, I'm almost at my 1700th sale. I will offer a special surprise to the 1700th person to buy from my shop!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Most Hearts SALE!
I'm putting my most hearted patterns on sale 10-28-10-31.
All patterns hearted over 10 hearts are reduced!
Here are a few:
Simplicity 5631
Simplicity 1731
Simplcity 4868
McCalls 6453
McCalls 4697
McCalls 3914
McCalls 3166
Simplicity 2410
Simplicity 4858
Butterick 6082
Hollywood 1881
DuBarry 5091
Advance 5326
Simplicity 3014
Advance 5675
Advance 5441
Simplicity 2000
Butterick 6836
Friday, October 9, 2009
Little Leage Football
He took pictures last week and we haven't gotten them back, but I took this one and played around with it.

Now here is some funny stuff. He has this sketch book he sort of draws like his Diary of a wimpy kid books and here is one of his drawings....

Monday, July 13, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
NAUTICAL Sailor Dress Patterns

I just love the nautical look. I came across this great pattern:
and while blousing my store, came across some others I had forgotten about:
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Very Flattering TENT DRESS

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!
Today is my first Mother's Day without my beloved Mom, and is she ever on my mind today. Oh, how I miss you today...and always!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Meet Gizmo

After MANY months of looking for a kitten, we found one and I have to say, I do believe God had a huge hand in this one. I haven't had a cat since I had my "Toby" First I didn't want one for a long time and then when I did, it seemed I compared them all to him. Then right before Christmas, my son (who is 7) really wanted a kitten bad. We looked and looked and we were always one step too late of getting one. One had just gotten adopted at the shelter, we'd call about free kitten and they be gone. Anyway, there was an ad for four free kittens this Tuesday and we went to look at them and when we opened the door, one was sitting on the couch and it meowed really loud (like look at me) and he/she looked so much like Toby I couldn't believe it. Besides the face (Toby was Himalayan) they could have been twins. Long story short, here's our new baby Gizmo.
Here is a pic of him and one of Toby.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Neighbors or should I say Parents
My seven year old son plays with a five soon to be six year old boy across the street. He also has a 9 year old sister that plays with them all quite often. They come from a divorced family so they are gone 3 to 4 days each week. A couple weekends ago, while they were gone to their Dads, the parents were cleaning out the garage and called my son over there. They proceeded to give him a huge Rubbermaid tub with a Pirates of the Caribbean ship. Noah told me they were cleaning and their son hasn't looked or tried to play with it, and they know how much Noah loves legos so they came it to him. Noah was so EXCITED. He lugged it home and started putting it together right away, He finished it in one day. Made a place in his room to put it.
Fast forward to the day they kids come home. Noah's friend came running over and saw Noah playing with the ship in our living room and said "Hey I got one just like that and Noah said Your Mom & Stepdad gave it to me. He ran home crying and came back and said he wanted it back and that Noah was only suppose to build it and then give it back. Now that is not what Noah said and Noah is a pretty SMART seven year old. Noah went over to their house and the parents told him they'd talk to him about it this weekend. Noah kept the ship.
Meanwhile, the next day, the girl comes home and comes over with the boy and Noah is in the bathroom and I tell them He'll come out to play when he is finished. She asked " can I come see the ship?" I didn't think anything of it and I said OK and then I'll send Noah out because my husband was sleeping.
When Noah gets out of the restroom he says where is my ship and do you know she was walking home with it. Never said a word to us. Now in my book, that is stealing and my husband is a cop. He was PO'd to say the least. Again, Noah goes over and they say we'll talk about it and let you know. NEVER once have they called or come over to talk to US about it. Noah says the Mom said to him that the boy made such a fuss about it she just gave it to him. What is the matter with these people? Can they not stand up to their 5 year old and tell them LOOK YOU NEVER PLAYED WITH IT SO WE GAVE IT AWAY PERIOD! Noah again says the Mom will talk to me and she never has. I don't want to go over a cause a scene because I'm mad and my husband is really mad. He told the boy one day while he was over here, why did your sister come in an steal from Noah? Now he thinks my husband is mean and doesn't want to come over. I'm thinking the Mom probably doesn't know she did take it without asking.
What a MESS! Any words of wisdom?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Happy Easter!
I hope everyone has a BLESSED Easter!
I got this great little graphic along with this FAb background from CuteandCool:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Things that make you go HUM? Entrecard
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Entrecard ~Should I stay or should I go?
I will go in an select not to accept paid ads (if that is possible, which I think it is) and from now on I am only approving the regular ads that I have all along. I've noticed I haven't had any regular EC credit ads, only paid. I for one, can't afford to use paid advertising. Correction, I do, but it is on a popular sewing blog and well worth it. I enjoy being able to purchase advertising with my EC credits.
I will not be approving any paid ads. I've already approved quite a few, and my whole page is full plus full of ads requesting time. I understand this not being a team player, but I already spent way too much time dropping and if this turns out to be a "chore", I'd just as soon quite the whole show.
I hope you understand and will still advertise with your earned credits.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lindy Hop
From Wikipedia:
Lindy Hop is an African American dance, based on the popular Charleston and named for Lindberg's Atlantic crossing, that evolved in New York City in 1927. It is a fusion of many dances that preceded it or were popular during its development but is mainly based on jazz, tap, breakaway and Charleston. Lindy Hop co-evolved with jazz music and is a member of the swing dance family. It is frequently described as a jazz or street dance.
In its development, Lindy Hop combined elements of both solo and partner dancing by using the movements and improvisation of black dances along with the formal eight-count structure of European partner dances. This is most clearly illustrated in Lindy's basic step, the swingout. In this step's open position, each dancer is generally connected hand-to-hand; in its closed position, men and women are connected as though in an embrace.
I've come across a few great patterns great for the Lindy Hop. I can just see these dresses out on the dance floor.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Betsey Johnson of Alley Cat
I've sold a few of her patterns from the Alley Cat period, and I've just come across this beauty UNCUT!
Monday, March 9, 2009
It's Spring Break somewhere! My step-daughter is out on Spring Break this week, my son is out next week, my sister in Dallas has Spring Break the following week, so for the rest of this month, I'm having a SPRING BREAK SALE. Save 15% off plus my usual shipping discounts:
FREE SHIPPING OFFER!!! Buy 3 patterns or more and I will ship for FREE!!!
Offer good in USA only!
Buy 5 Sewing Patterns and get 5% OFF + FREE SHIPPING
Buy 10 Sewing Patterns and get 10% OFF + FREE SHIPPING
Buy 15 Sewing Patterns and get 15% OFF + FREE SHIPPING
Buy 20+ Sewing Patterns and get 20% OFF + FREE SHIPPING
Buy 1-2 patterns = $5.00 shipping
Buy 3-4 patterns = $7.00 shipping
Buy 5-6 patterns = $9.50 shipping
Buy 7-9 patterns = $12.50 shipping
Buy 10 patterns = $20.00 + 10% off
Buy 15 pattern = $20.00 + 15% off
Buy 20 patterns = $20.00 + 20% off
Buy 25+ pattern = FREE SHIPPING + 20% off.
Must pay from one invoice for Paypal payment.
Mention "SPRING BREAK SALE" in the message to buyer to get the sale and I'll either send you a new invoice or refund you through Paypal.
Happy Shopping!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Simple to Make 1950s Simplicity 4682 Wrap-Around Dress

I've never seen this Wrap Around Dress before and I have to say, it is my favorite. Many are in love with the 50s Butterick Walk Away Dress, but I've read reviews about how difficult it was to make. This one looks simple to make and it even reads: "Simple to Make". You can find it here:
Simplicity 4682
Monday, February 23, 2009
Pre-Spring Cleaning Sale
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Found! LARGE Vintage Sewing Patterns.

They are always hard to come by and they fly out the store. Here are some good size patterns and lovely dresses and a coat, at that.
Find them here:
My Etsy Pattern store