Thursday, February 26, 2009

Simple to Make 1950s Simplicity 4682 Wrap-Around Dress

I've never seen this Wrap Around Dress before and I have to say, it is my favorite. Many are in love with the 50s Butterick Walk Away Dress, but I've read reviews about how difficult it was to make. This one looks simple to make and it even reads: "Simple to Make". You can find it here:
Simplicity 4682

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pre-Spring Cleaning Sale

OK. It's not like I just woke up this morning and said, I've got too many unlisted boxes of patterns...but I do! They have taken over my office, my garage and several other places. There not enough hours in the day to list all these patterns and I'm expecting several big shipments of patterns this week. So help me make some room. Take 20% off now through the end of Feb. HELP!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Found! LARGE Vintage Sewing Patterns.

They are always hard to come by and they fly out the store. Here are some good size patterns and lovely dresses and a coat, at that.

Find them here:

My Etsy Pattern store

Monday, February 16, 2009

Spotlight on 5erg/Silja's Giftshop on Etsy

What is your shop's name and where are you located (url)

How long have you been in business?
About a year. I am pretty new with this, it was my first holiday season this year. Wrote everything down I need to think about if I make it to the next holiday season. You need to be prepared for November-December :D For example, think about buying more bubble envelopes and stamps and not spending 40 minutes packaging time on one order.

What motivated you to go into the crafting business?
There happened to be people interested in some of my craftwork and that made me think about it.
About starting an Etsy shop, I just tried it out without thinking about where I am going with this. If I would of done a proper estimate for the year, I wouldn't of tried it out for sure. So I guess it worked out well.
I like the idea that someone wants my stuff more than hoping to make a fortune on this, so I started with really low prices. I think that helped.

what's is your favorite item you've ever made?
Huh, this is a hard question. I have to think about what HAVE I done, haha.
There is this portrait I like. I sent it to New York for a show, but hopefully they will send it back too. In April or so. It usually hangs near my desk, it is a really happy portrait and it makes me want to do chores. I don't know why. So I am making a use of this phenomen and keeping it near. I guess I won't be doing any house work until April then. :D

It's a good day when ...
I liked it when we were removing stoves from out house. Whole summer full of breaking brick constructions. Great workout! So, my point is, it is a good day when there is something real to do.

Do you have any advise for someone who wants to open a shop on Etsy?
Yes, head off to forums right away. Check out some business topics. Then check out some red hot topics and see how it looks when someone is ranting, calling out or whining(whining too much. some whining is OK!) and then make your conclusions if you would like to sound the same way or not.
And do not worry, most of the etsyans are routing FOR you! So if you feel like handicraft is something you need to do, try it out! :)

My favorite item from her store:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Valentine's Giveaway!

Starting today 2/9 and ending Sat. 2/14 , anyone who purchases from my shop will be entered into a a giveaway of a $25 Gift Card to use in my store. Each pattern you purchase will give you one entry. I will have my 7 year old draw the name and then announce here. Good Luck.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Thank You to all my Entrecard Droppers and Blog Readers

Dropper # of drops
Alteredevents 31
Parental Instincts 31
My gypsygoods 30
theysaY 30
Silver Sachet 29
Three Fates Design - Beaded Jewelry 27
More Than Sew So 26
BeadedTail 26
Dunia soer 24
Favorite Online Shops Blog 24

I'd also like to Thank everyone who reads my blog and purchases PW ads.
You are the best.
If any of my Top Droppers is in need of a vintage pattern, come by my store and take 20% off and mention TopDropper Discount!

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